Davis Tui

Hi, I'm Davis. I have over 10 years experience working in the enterprise tech space as an account executive, selling to a diverse range of industries across the country. I'm passionate about using technology to drive business value and align with core business strategy. That's why in the last five years, I've been evangelising low-code as a strategic platform that can help organisations enhance digital maturity and drive innovation.

My experience in tech sales has given me opportunities to engage with customers and creatively solve business problems. I write in detail about low-code and share my insights on the digital journey in the commercial and enterprise space in Australia. I also like to share my sales experience given I've experience great change in this space. The power of storytelling in sales presentations, challenging MEDDIC and sales process are some of the things I write about.

Outside of work, I still play rugby union and have a keen interest in productivity and startups. If you're interested in learning more about me, you can sign up for my newsletter or check out my resume. Thank you for stopping by, and I look forward to connecting with you!"

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